Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some common questions asked by most new recruits. Click a question to read the full answer.

What are the minimum requirements to become a police officer with the City of Rock Hill?
  • Must be a Citizen of the United States
  • Must be 21 years of age (documentation / birth certificate)
  • Must have a high school diploma or the equivalent (documentation required)
  • Hold a valid current driver’s license (If you are hired you will need to become a South Carolina resident).
  • Credit Check with favorable results
Does the police department have a policy on tattoos?
  • Members of the Rock Hill Police Department will be permitted to have visible tattoos within the following guidelines:
  • The display of any offensive image, phrase, or other expression contained within a visible tattoo will be prohibited. Offensive images, phrases, or other expressions include, but are not limited to:
  • (1). Depictions of nudity, violence, or criminal activity;
  • (2). Sexually explicit/vulgar art, words, or profane language;
  • (3). Symbols likely to incite a strong negative reaction in any group;
  • (4). Words, symbols, or depictions that exhibit or advocate discrimination against age, sex, race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability;
  • (5). Initials, symbolism, or acronyms that represent criminal or historically oppressive organizations, groups, affiliations, gangs, or activities.;
  • (6). Visible Tattoos/Body Art may not contain any unapproved reference to Rock Hill Police Department or any of its divisions or any political affiliation or message; and
  • (7). Any images or words that brings discredit upon the department or that is deemed offensive by the Chief of Police or his designee.
  • Tattoos are not permitted on the neck, face, head, or the area of the chest that would be visible while wearing Rock Hill Police Department approved attire or uniform.
  • Tattoos are not permitted on the hand; below the wrist; except for a single band tattoo on one finger of either the right or left hand.
  • A member of the Rock Hill Police Department seeking to obtain a new tattoo, or to make additions to an existing tattoo, which would be exposed while wearing a short sleeve uniform must submit a request, using the approved Rock Hill Police Department Tattoo Authorization form, to the Professional Standards Captain for approval.
Can I get directions or a map to the police department?

The Police Department is located on the corner of Black St. and Dave Lyle Blvd. Our address is 120 E. Black St. Rock Hill, SC 29730. We are directly across from the county library. There is a parking deck across the street for your convenience. If you walk into the lobby and see a Police Motorcycle, you are in the right place!

Does the Rock Hill Police Department have overtime pay and Off-Duty overtime?

Yes, many officers supplement their income with overtime assignments from special events or patrol functions. Off-Duty overtime is also available at different locations within the city. Once officers complete the field training program they are permitted to sign up for off-duty overtime.

Most off-duty assignments pay $50 an hour to officers.

I'm still attending school or in the active military. Can I apply?

Yes, you may apply, however, if hired, your work schedule prior to attending the Criminal Justice Academy will be Monday-Friday, 8AM-5PM.  Once you begin basic training at the Criminal Justice Academy, you will be required to remain on campus each week from Sunday evening until class ends on Friday afternoon.


With regards to active-duty military, you can begin the process of employment while on active duty, however you will need to be on reserve status prior to beginning your employment with the Rock Hill Police Department.

I was discharged from the military with a general discharge under honorable or uncharacterized conditions. Can I still apply for Rock Hill Police Department?

Yes, you may apply, however, if hired, your work schedule prior to attending the Criminal Justice Academy will be Monday-Friday, 8AM-5PM.  Once you begin basic training at the Criminal Justice Academy, you will be required to remain on campus each week from Sunday evening until class ends on Friday afternoon.


With regards to active-duty military, you can begin the process of employment while on active duty, however you will need to be on reserve status prior to beginning your employment with the Rock Hill Police Department.

I was discharged with a dishonorable discharge from the military. Can I still apply?

The RHPD will review each discharge and make a decision on a case-by-case basis depending on the reason for discharge.

What do I wear for my initial interview?

Applicants should wear business attire for the Oral Board Interview. The applicant will need to arrive on their test date in gym attire for the physical agility test.

I need to withdraw from the hiring process, or I can't make my scheduled testing dates. How do I notify the Recruiting unit?

Email the Recruiting Unit with your name and reason for withdrawing. Please make sure you contact the Recruiter within a week prior to the test date.

When I graduate from the academy what will happen?

New officers are assigned to Field Training for 16 weeks of one-on-one training. 

Does the Rock Hill Police Department hire interns?
  • Yes.
  • Students who wish to participate in the internship program should contact the internship coordinator with their school. The applicant must have an academic referral to be considered for the internship program.
  • The internship program through the police department is a non-paid position.
I have been disqualified or was previously disqualified from the hiring process. How long will it be before I can re-apply?

If you were disqualified for an integrity issue or failed the polygraph you will be permanently disqualified from the hiring process. If you fail to meet a standard during the physical agility test or POST test you may reapply after 6 months.

How long is the SC Criminal Justice Academy?

The academy is 12 weeks total in length for new officers. The first 4 weeks are at RHPD, and the final 8 weeks are at the SC Criminal Justice Academy in Columbia, SC.  Previously certified officers who qualify or out of state lateral transfers who qualify will usually attend a 3-week training course.  For those who qualify normally, 2 weeks at RHPD and 1 week at the SC Criminal Justice Academy.

Do you have a modified academy for out of state certified police officers?

The SC Criminal Justice Academy offers a modified academy for out of state certified officers. Once hired by the agency, the Training Sergeant will send the applicant’s training file to be evaluated by the academy. If all prerequisites are covered the applicant will attend a 3-week academy instead of the standard 12-week academy.  For lateral transfer officers 2 weeks are at RHPD and 1 week is at the SC Criminal Justice Academy.

When I attend the SC Criminal Justice Academy do I have to live at the Training Academy?

Officers will stay at the Academy to train Monday through Friday with a report check-in time each Sunday. You will leave each Friday to be home on the weekend.

Are there residency requirements to work for the Rock Hill Police Department?

RHPD Officers must reside in South Carolina. If officers want to be eligible for a take home car, they must live in the Rock Hill School District Three or live inside the city limits.

Can I download a practice POST test to prepare?

Yes, you can get a practice test and study guide here.

Can I complete a ride-along if I am in the application process?

Yes, please speak to your recruiter or background investigator when you apply. It is highly recommended that all applicants who make it to the background phase participate in a ride-along.

What will happen if I omit important information or am deceptive in the hiring process regarding my background history?

Honesty and integrity are important values found in Rock Hill Police Officers. If you omit important information or are deceptive, you will be disqualified from the hiring process. You must successfully complete a background investigation, polygraph, and a psychological evaluation in order to continue in the hiring process.

Can I apply if I have used marijuana or other drugs/narcotics in the past?

All applicants are required to take a drug test.

How many academy classes are held each year?

Normally the SC Criminal Justice Academy will start a new academy class every 2 weeks throughout the year. Each academy class has a limited number of seats, therefore new hires will be placed in the next available class.

If I am active-duty military are there any waivers for testing?

No waivers are allowed at any time.

As an out of state applicant how many trips will I need to make to Rock Hill during the hiring process?

Every effort is made to complete the Obstacle Course, POST Test, and Oral Board interview in one trip.

How long does the hiring process generally take?

Approximately 1-5 months.

Do I need to submit all of my documents before testing?

In order for your application to be processed the City of Rock Hill Application must be completed.  Supporting documents such as transcripts and driving history can be obtained and turned in as you continue in the process.

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  • Paid vacation and annual leave
  • Take home car program
  • Free On-Site Healthcare Clinic by Atrium Health
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Must be 21 or older
  • Must possess a valid driver’s license
  • High School graduation or GED equivalent
  • Relaxed tattoo and beard policy